Not so exciting, huh? We got a good laugh at this. I mean, not even a picnic table?! So upon a little more exploring we discovered....
there was in fact a play ground (whew!) and a picnic table that turned out quite nice!
I couldn't get them both looking at the same time so you get to see both pictures!
We were on our way after an hour stop for lunch. Thanks to mom and dad we had 2 FREE Route 44 Sonic drinks as well as turkey sandwiches with all the trimmings so they saved us some moolah! And I like that!
This is how we kept Natalie occupied for parts of the trip. This was a tray from our high chair that we take with us on trips and it worked perfectly. Mimi had us a tupperware box full of crayons, coloring pages, cars, and play-doh! We were set.
She did pretty well on the trip between playing with her toys and watching Veggie Tales, but about the last hour she was DONE. She literally only slept 1 1/2 hours on a 6 hour trip. Agh!
Look forward to St. Louis day 2.......