It is getting closer to the date, and quite a few decisions will need to be made between now and then. Our agency contacted us about scheduling a home study update since ours expired at 6 months. Texas state law says so=( We don't have to pay the full price of the home study like the first one, but we do have to pay for mileage to and from our house. Not expensive, but not included in the $17, 500 we were quoted at the beginning. Also not included are the miles we have spent to and from Waco, plus the hotel costs that we might incur while waiting to take our beauty home. Our wonderful friends may be able to help us out a night or two, but with their new baby home, we don't want to intrude. There is also a possibility that the hospital provides us a room, but we aren't for certain.
So, in the next few weeks we will be visiting with the agency director about our hospital plan. This includes what our time at the hospital will look like, what is expected from M and from us with regards to the baby, etc. M's caseworker is supposed to be contacting the hospital next week to see what their rules/regulations are in regards to birth families and adoptive families, so we will know more then. We will be picking M up around 4:30 or 5 that morning, and taking her to the hospital. The looooooong wait will begin here. Her C-section is scheduled for 7:30 a.m. As stated before (I think) I will get to be in the room for the delivery. Brian will be anxiously awaiting. From the time of birth we will either have to wait the 48 hours or possibly 72 depending on the amount of meds M will be on, and how they affect her. Probably will be bringing her home if all goes well on Saturday.
The other decisions that must be made in the next few weeks is our "Heart to Heart Agreement." It is not a legally binding document but a promise of the heart between us and M on the amount of contact between us. We will state how often visits will be made, pictures will be sent, and letters will be written for 18 years of Natalie's life. After that she is on her own for contact.
We want to be really sensitive to both sides on what we are all comfortable with, and what is most realistic with her being out of town. Please be praying for guidance in making these decisions.
School is already on overload so please pray for clarity of mind and peace in my mind as well.
And please continue to pray for the financial side of it as well. This will be a constant prayer request for at least another 7 or 8 months. We want to trust in the Lord and not doubt that He will provide as needed.
We are trying to save money on gas by not traveling to all the Razorback games (this is really hard to do as we are missing a LR game right now!), not going out to eat as often, etc.
Wow this was a long post! Hope you made it through it all=)