I looked back at my last post and didn't realize how long it had been. We have been really busy, and blogging just fell behind as usual.
First, an update on the Adoption Ministry. We officially have a name! MOSAIC: Adoption & Waiting Children Care Ministries
We are currently working on a logo and mission statements. The last couple of weeks have been busy planning for our 'launch.' On October 14 and 21st we will have a table set out in the foyer of our church with pictures of each family starting the ministry. We will also have bookmarks with Adoption-related resources for individuals to take away, as well as some agency information. If people are interested enough they can fill out a card with their information so we can contact them with more information regarding upcoming events/plans. On the 21st we will have a lunch after the service for all those interested. Our team will each share our personal adoption testimonies and how God called us to start this ministry. Once we find out more about the interests and needs of the people, we will begin praying and deciding how God wants us to move from here. This is exciting! Please be praying for God to move the hearts of the people in our church. There is so much we can do as the hands and feet of Jesus with this ministry. It's not all about adopting, but simply taking care of the 'widows and orphans' as stated in James 1:27
Second, an update on our adoption journey round 2. Nothing new. That was a killjoy, huh?! Ha! I tried to come up with something, but this is the hardest part of the journey. Waiting. Preparing our hearts, praying for our baby and birth mother, enjoying the time we have with a precious little 2 year old, and waiting. We are very much looking forward to the annual fundraiser for our agency. This is where they get most of their money to do what they do so it is SO important! This year we finally get to attend since I don't have to worry about taking a day off from school to go. It is October 30th from 6:30-9:00 pm in Waco. It's a time to celebrate adoption, pray for waiting families, and raise money for the agency. Thanks to my dad being retired, and mom having a flexible job with time off, they are so gracious to come and keep Natalie for us that evening. If they couldn't come we would have had to take her with us (not a fun event for a 2 year old), and stay in a local hotel (that's not in the budget) because of the late evening! Thanks, mom and dad!

Third, an update on our fundraiser. We have had several more precious donors helping us piece together our puzzle. Many of you have asked me if it was too late, or if you could still donate and the answer is YES.
Here is a link to the original post describing how to do that.
(sorry this one is a little blurry but I was too lazy to get out the good camera, so I snapped with my camera)
This girl and her pictures. Either her eyes are closed, or she's looking at you not smiling, OR she's smiling and her eyes are looking off to the side at something else! Sheesh!