My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Friday, March 29, 2013

Times Like These

I grew up in a family with traditions just like any other. I don't think I ever realized how important or fun these traditions were until I got older.....and I miss them. Some of them. Some of them are still going strong and I love it! But now I have to think of my own family's traditions, and what I want my kiddos growing up remembering.  You see, my mom (as many of you know) is an over-achiever. And that's a good thing, Mom! But I won't every measure up. I try. I do some things well but there are others where I fall short. Like Easter.  Easter is a very important holiday.  A time to remember that I serve a RISEN Savior!  A time to reflect on the sacrifice that was made for me and you, sinners.  An eternal hope that was supplied to us when God sent His Son to carry the burden of our sins on His shoulders to the cross.
But it is also a holiday that doesn't come with a long break like Thanksgiving and Christmas so it is much harder for us to be with family during holidays like this. Plus, everyone wants to be at their own church on Easter.  So that means no big family meal after the service for us. No cousins hunting eggs together.  It makes me sad, but it is what it is. Now that Natalie is old enough and Joaquin soon will be, I want to make each and every holiday memorable.  I want to have plans for Easter weekends just like I would for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I want them to always be in anticipation of that' special thing we always do' during this time.  Ican't help but think of all the 'Friends' Holiday Episodes where they are all together and it feels like family even though they aren't family.  Well, it's a bit late for all that this year since Easter Sunday is now 2 days away, but I should start preparing for next year. Feel free to share any traditions you have now with your family or what you had growing up.  I love stealing cute ideas!

For now I leave you with some random photos from this week......

 Natalie and her bud, Lyla.
Pure sweetness
and this one cracks me up.... I took about 8 pictures trying to get them both looking and smiling. I finally settled on these two! You win some, you lose some! ha!

1 comment:

  1. Haha!! Cute pictures. So hard to get kids to look and smile together.

    We didn't grow up receiving Easter baskets so that's a new tradition we're doing with the kids.

    Trying to find my own traditions as well so I hope some others have some fantastic ideas to share.


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