My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Faith vs. Reality

We got some exciting news Friday night from the agency. One couple had dropped out of the January training class, leaving a spot available for us! This is six months sooner than what we planned because the next one available to us was in July. The excitement also came with a little uncertainty. Generations has a policy stating that at least one parent be a "stay at home" parent during the first six months of placement, and preferably beyond. We knew this going in, but thought it was just an ideal goal for them. Since Brian and I both plan on working, we were told we had to submit a proposal that explained why they should make an exception for us. The Board has to approve us before we can continue, and before they would allow us to attend the training on Saturday the 30th.
We spent the better part of Saturday mulling over our possibilities as to who would take off and for how long, and who would care for the child if we could not take off the desired amount of time. The struggle between Faith and Reality came in the area of finances. Taking the time off would not be a problem (thanks to FMLA). However, 4 or so out of the 6 months that we would be off would be WITHOUT pay! Now that will stress a person out! We are already working on financing the adoption but adding that cost in as well is overwhelming. We prayed a lot Saturday but just still didn't know if we should be realistic or step out on Faith.
We talked to some dear sweet friends at church who just seemed to confirm what we already knew. We needed to step out on Faith. My friend's words just hit me square in the face! "If you don't feel that God is just screaming the answer out, He probably wants you to step out on faith and He will meet you there." That is exactly how we were clear answer......until now.

We have typed up our proposal and will be sending it tonight to the agency via email. We have expressed our desire to continue working after the 6 months is up and why. We have shared what ethnicities we are open to in the adoption, and have explained why attending this training would be very beneficial to us as adoptive parents in answering many questions of our own. We also explained how we felt it was only fair that the birth mom have all options available to her in choosing a family for her child.
Brian and I are praying that the Board will see fit to make an exception for us and allow us to continue working with them. If not, we know the Lord is closing a door, and will lead us elsewhere. Please be praying with us.


  1. Brian and Whitney,
    There is no doubt in my mind that the Lord is waiting to do a mighty work in your lives. Whether it be through this agency or some other circumstance. He wants nothing more that to fulfill the desires of the faithful, and you are that-and much more. Any agency would be silly not to approve you, but the fact is that you don't need their approval because ultimately, the fate of your family is not in their hands. I have been praying for your family for several years, ever since Whitney and I talked about how you would start a family soon. This was long before you started trying and I knew that the Spirit was already at work- I just had this need to pray for you. So, be at peace because this was finished long before it began... 2 Cor 1:3-7
    Heather Hill
    There- think I got it that time...

  2. Thanks Heather. Your prayers may not seem like much but they SO are!


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