My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Saturday, February 20, 2010


I learned yesterday about a young, pregnant lady who was having a very difficult time handling the fact that she was a teenager and pregnant. An update from a friend told me that she was struggling even more recently and was contemplating ending the pregnancy. She has friends around her trying to reach out, but it did not look very promising. This was such a humble reminder to me that Brian and I need to be fervently praying for our birthmother. She is possibly facing the same emotions and decisions right now with no support around her. We need to be praying for the Lord to surround her with Godly friends and family that will provide wisdom during this time. I still try to place myself in their shoes and I am simply amazed at the bravery of those that choose to place their child for adoption. Especially when everyone around them is pushing them to abort the baby or force them to care for the child when they have no means to do so.......adoption is such a mature decision for a young lady experiencing a roller coaster of ups and downs.
Still praying for our friend we don't know........


  1. Having been a 19 year old mom, I can say it was tough. Our situation was a bit different because Jeff and I were already planning to get married. But we had a lot of people pushing abortion, one of those being my mother inlaw. We were thankful for his older brother who was not afraid to speak up for us and tell her it was our decision, not hers. Lots of prayers have been and will continue to be said for you guys and the birthmothers going through this hard time. Love y'all!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Heather. I have thought about you often during this process for us and just never have the opportunity to ask you what it was like to go through it. I will have to do that sometime.


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