My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Home Study is done!

Thank you for your prayers on Monday. They were definitely felt. It lasted about 2 hours, and our case worker is very easy to work with and talk to. She did a quick walk through of the house checking for fire code and environmental safety items. We need to get a fire extinguisher and lock up Brian's guns a little better, but other than that everything was just fine. The rest of the time was spent visiting one-on-one with her about our fears/concerns in adopting, and a joint conversation about the type of child we are open to accepting. We needed to be very specific in what risk factors we are open to regarding drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. We had very good conversations about these risk factors, but there were a few areas Brian and I wanted to research a little more before we felt comfortable putting it on paper. Once we get that part completed in the next few days, and Brian's medical check up completed on the 31st, we will be ready for approval by the Board. That means by the first full week of April we will officially be approved and waiting on our precious little baby! Praise God!


  1. That's awesome! It seems like it is all coming together so quickly!! God is good!

  2. I know! I am trying not to get my hopes all built up for this summer, but it sure would be great!


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