My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Saturday, June 11, 2011

So much to post!

Natalie and I just returned from our road trip to Arkansas to see her cousins, but I will post about that later. First, something that has been on my mind for awhile.

Lately, I just feel far from the Lord, and I know it is because I am not spending time in the Word, and I am not spending enough QUALITY time in prayer. I feel like church has become nothing more than a habit for me, and this needs to change. Now that I don't have work in the way, I am determined to get back in the Word of God DAILY.  The other thing that has been on both Brian and I's minds is our church. We love the people, try to stay involved, serve in the nursery and our SS class, but somehow still don't feel all that connected. We love the music program, and that part of our worship service, but have been unhappy with the preaching. We are frustrated with many things about the preaching, the size of the church, etc.  We have just been torn on what to do. It is difficult to just say we will go somewhere new because there are only so many choices close enough to stay involved regularly. I wouldn't say that we are unhappy, just not pleased maybe!?!?!
Please be praying for me, specifically to make studying the Bible a priority, and for us with our church. Maybe the Lord  needs to work on our hearts and keep us where we are, maybe we need to try something new, maybe I just don't know.............

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