My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cookies with Mommy

This is one of the many things I looked forward to as I dreamed of being a mommy.....cookies with my kids! Of course, right now it's just cookies with my kid.

Natalie follows me around constantly during the day so I have to get creative in figuring out just how she can help me. We dragged her little table next to the island in the kitchen and I tried to give her as many 'toys' as I could and still get my own work done! I gave her a small chunk of cookie dough so she could do whatever she wanted with it.
This tub of cookie cutters got dumped several times during our cookie making adventure.

I guess she got bored by the end because she started playing with the pot holders and cookie cutters on her feet! Silly girl.
Mommy's little helper. This girl will make a great wife one day=)

We had a great day together.


  1. What a fun time! It isn't always easy having kids in the kitchen and I can't say I do it all of the time. There are times it is just much easier for me to do my thing. BUT they do love it so I try to do it at least part of the time. Good life skills too. :)

  2. I totally agree. When it's me making dinner she makes me crazy trying to help. Not even Barney will lure her away! This was a perfect time to have a little fun and keep her busy!


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