My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Saturday, November 17, 2012

God's Protection

Often times there are details about our adoption journey that we choose not to share for a variety of reasons. There are just some aspects that the whole world doesn't need to know, sometimes not even family until we are ready. But this detail I choose to share to show God's hand in our journey......

About 3-4 weeks ago we received an email from our agency.  This email gave us details about a birthmom and her situation.  Most of the details of the situation we were open to, but there were some they were uncertain of so they wanted to know whether or not to show our profile.  After praying and talking it through we decided we wanted our profile shown. 

A couple of weeks passed and we had not heard anything from the agency.  As Brian and I talked neither one of us felt excited or anxious.  We kind of felt indifferent. Odd. I told Brian I just didn't feel like this was our birthmom.  We both felt that if it was, we would have a stirring in our hearts, which just didn't seem to be there.

It took another week or so before we finally heard from the agency.  The birth mom chose another family.  Many times after hearing this news, waiting families are left feeling unwanted, confused, hurt, angry, and so much more. But we didn't. We were completely at peace with it.  All along we knew it wasn't right.  That's God's protection.  You see, it's very easy when you are waiting for a child, that you jump head first and with full force when you know you are being shown.*  God protected our hearts.  In what seems like such a small way, God was there again.  But I assure you that was no 'small way.' Adoption is a journey.  An emotional journey. Sometimes a long journey.  But God is near if we let him be.  He showed His GLORY and MIGHTY power with our first adoption, and I have no doubts He will again!

*Disclaimer: We typically do not know when or if we are being shown to a birth mother.  Makes it easier not knowing when we aren't chosen.

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