Every year for the past 4 years or so I get together with two of my friends for a holiday baking day. The women in my family used to do this at my Granny's when I was little, but stopped many years ago. I am so glad I can carry this tradition on with friends here in Texas. Sometimes friends are the closest family you've got when you are a good 6 hours away from your own! And I am more than thankful for these ladies. Here's our history. My friend, Stephanie, and I met in college through the band and Baptist Collegiate Ministry and connected instantly. She introduced me to one of her friends who became one of the best roommates and close friends, Kim. She also introduced me to another friend, Micah, who then became the other best roommate a girl could have so I must say I am quite indebted to Stephanie! Fast forward a few years when Stephanie's husband shared a job opening with Brian here in the great state of TX. A short time later, he was hired and we moved to be together again! After moving to Texas herself, she met Allyson and her husband, Ryan. They became good friends and the rest is history. We spent many a late nights watching 'LOST' and eating dinners together. So it was only natural to begin a Christmas tradition with our families.

This year I wanted to cook a big Christmas meal because I never get to use my fun snowflake plates. So instead of our traditional holiday baking, we had our dinner. Complete with a fried turkey, sweet potato casserole, green beans, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, home-made rolls, apple cake, and pumpkin cheesecake! Jealous? It was amazing!
Dinner crew
All the kids played together really well but made a big mess! I guess that is what happens with 4 kids under the age of 6! It was all worth it. I love making new memories with amazing friends. I failed to mention the really cool bond between our 3 families: ADOPTION! As you can see, only one kid looks like his parents! ha! The other three are beautiful displays of adoption. This just shows how amazing God is and how he knits families and friends together so perfectly. Next year's picture will have two more children added via adoption (we hope). I love how God brought us together as friends, then gave us this common bond. What a great thing for these kids=)
Look at these beauties.....
Be still my beating heart
Well now I feel obligated to comment since I got mentioned and all :) I would agree that I am indebted to Steph, too. You were an awesome roomy!