My Sweet Peas

My Sweet Peas

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Slumber Party

   A few weeks ago (yes, I know how far behind I am, and thanks for reminding me Susan!) Natalie had her first slumber party with someone other than cousins.  Some friends of ours needed to travel out of town to be with family so we volunteered to keep the youngest two out of three kiddos. I'm only so good, folks!  That meant 4 kids under the age of 4 for approximately 2 days and nights! Apparently I was feeling brave.  All kidding aside, this is one reason I wanted to be a stay at home mom; to help friends when they needed it most!
    They came over Thursday afternoon and thankfully were all really tired.  All four went down for a nap basically without a fuss and at the same time! I knew it would never happen again so I soaked it up.  When Brian got home and we had all eaten dinner we decided to load up our posse and head out on a walk. How awesome is this?!  We had quite the setup if I do say so myself.
Bedtime was somewhat unventful except for the fact that Natalie would not stop talking to Lyla long enough for either to sleep.  I was watching them through the monitor (at 10pm!) when Lyla realized the camera had moved. She immediately hit the deck and didn't move a muscle.  I was cracking up because NJ had no clue why Lyla all of a sudden went still and quiet!  She then proceeded to try and get Lyla's attention back by saying her name over. and over. and over. and over. I finally had to intervene!
The next day was spent in the water so all was well.
You just never can get the kids all looking at you at the same time!
In case you were wondering, I did have a bigger pool! Somehow this one was cooler?!
A swimming day is not complete without snacks!
JZ opted out of this playdate. He sat back and just looked cute for us!

1 comment:

  1. You are brave! I have only had my niece over for a sleepover. You are a great friend to do that!


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