I just realized that I never posted Joaquin's 7 month pics and stats and here it is 8 months (nearing 9). Guess I'd better get with it.
When I was looking back at pictures I remembered why I never posted these.......I was taking these with only the help of my trusty assistant....Natalie. She was about as much help as the Tazmanian Devil, and Joaquin was a royal pain. I was frustrated because he wouldn't leave the darn plate alone and kept lunging off the couch so this is the best we got. Oh, and the whole number on the shirt thing: it doesn't even cover the picture behind it. That's just ghetto. But I was determined to get the pics before too much time had passed. We were a hot mess=/
Can ya feel me?
Let's move on to 8 months.
In the last two months this boy has changed so much. Maybe not with his looks, but definitely in his skills! At the middle of 7 months Joaquin started Army crawling. You know, arms dragging the body along while the feet help lunge you forward. That's him! He will get up on all fours, but the most steps from there has only been 1 or 2. Well, that led promptly to him pulling up on things to his knees and boy did he feel big!

I was a tiny bit worried at how quiet he was, but was also trying not to compare him to my motor mouth girl! This month he finally started really babbling and talking to us and I love it! He is just the happiest little thing. He says ba-ba-ba, du-du-du, and ma-ma-ma all the time. No real words, but he smiles big when you talk back to him!
Eight months rolled around and he started pulling up now to his feet. This is scary because he hasn't mastered sitting back down without a crash. We've had some scares with the head=/

JZ has started holding his bottle on his own which is glorious! He weighs just under 19 lbs making it very painful to hold him for a long period of time. He is now at the weight Natalie was at 1 year!
In the car he is able to see Natalie better and I love it when he laughs at her. He thinks she is the funniest, and Natalie, of course, eats it up. A little glimpse, I hope, into their relationship over the next lifetime!
I'm going to need a frame for this one!
I love that picture at the end!!!